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Yale University Welcomes 375 Elementary School Students

It’s one of the signs of progress – kids walking into school, smiling, because it’s the first day. Even if it’s January–and even if it’s not their regular...

It’s one of the signs of progress – kids walking into school, smiling, because it’s the first day.

Even if it’s January–and even if it’s not their regular school

When Peck Place School unexpectedly had to vacate their 45-year-old facility after frozen pipes burst earlier this month, Yale University stepped in, offering their West Campus as a new home for 375 students.

“The hardest part was taking an office facility and creating a school out of it,” said Principal Eric Carbone.

Which meant taking rooms meant for adults – and making them kid friendly – signs everywhere – from what grade  to where things are.

“It’s been a ride – we’ve had our ups and downs, but it’s been an excellent experience, and the children have been wonderful’” said Teacher Nicole Gilson.

The sign in Gilson’s 5th grade class says ‘persevere’ – as in to continue to do something in spite of difficulties.

“I see happy children, and happy adults – happy that we’re back together. And that’s the best sign? It really is,” said Gilson.

Even signs have been lowered for lower eye levels, and that’s the key.

They want this office building to be like a school in every way possible, and if the kids can’t tell the difference, that’s the true sign of success.

Where kids are back together – hooray indeed, and learning together once again. Another sign of a seamless transition after a difficult few weeks

“This is our home , and for us to make it feel like a home, you need the artwork – we’d want what would be in our normal school, a representation of the children. We wanted to feel comfortable. It doesn’t look any different than a school so mission accomplished? Thank you – we’re proud of that,” said Carbone.

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