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Measles outbreak that started in Disneyland said to be over

California health officials say the measles outbreak that began at Disneyland will be considered over if there are no new cases today. The outbreak started when...
Child with measles

California health officials say the measles outbreak that began at Disneyland will be considered over if there are no new cases today.

The outbreak started when 40 people got measles while visiting Disney theme parks in southern California, and more than 130 people in California were infected.

The highly contagious disease was declared eliminated from the U.S., but travelers can still bring it here from abroad.

 Source: LATimes.com  


Alzheimer’s Disease affects more than 5,000,000 Americans, but scientists may be getting closer to finding a breakthrough treatment.

A research team from Duke found a new potential cause of the disease, which may get them closer to finding a cure.  They found that, in Alzheimer’s patients, immune cells that usually protect the brain  instead started to consume a vital nutrient.

Researchers say if they can block this process, they can also prevent the plaque build-ups in the brain   that are associated with Alzheimer’s.

  Source: Independent.co.uk


Botox injections do work to smooth wrinkles, But a new study found that the dangerous toxin that’s used in them doesn’t stay in the face.

Researchers in Australia found that single molecules of the botulinum toxin attached to the nerves and traveled at high-speed back to the central nervous system.   The lead researcher calls it a worrying discovery given how potent botulinum is.

 Source: Uq.edu.au

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