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Malloy to sit with First Lady for State of the Union address

HARTFORD — Connecticut will be well represented at tonight’s State of the Union address, the final one given by President Obama. Governor Dannel Mal...

HARTFORD -- Connecticut will be well represented at tonight's State of the Union address, the final one given by President Obama. Governor Dannel Malloy will be a guest of the Obama's and will sit in the Presidential box.

Malloy, the new Democratic Governor's Association Chairman, has advocated for many issues that the President has pushed during his time in office, including gun control and increasing minimum wage.

"It's recognition that we've done a number of things," said Governor Malloy. "First state to pass an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 and first state to pass sick days."

Also, with the help of Second Chance Society, which reintegrates non-violent criminals back into society and the workforce, Malloy says crime in Connecticut has dropped more than two times the national average. And, Malloy continues his push to make it tougher for criminals to get guns which falls in line with President Obama's agenda.

Said Malloy, "I think Newtown changed the President in many ways, and I think each additional mass shooting of which there is one on too frequent a basis, strengthens his resolve that we do something about guns."

While Malloy sits next to First Lady Michelle Obama tonight, one of the seats will be left empty to honor the victims of gun violence, including Sandy Hook where 26 people were killed in a mass shooting.

President Obama is expected to talk gun violence and will outline priorities that build on the steps he's already taken while in office. However, don't expect him to endorse a specific candidate for the upcoming Presidential race.

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