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Sen. Murphy seeks to change federal classification of marijuana as narcotic

SOUTH WINDSOR–While Connecticut has moved forward to legally allow the use of medical marijuana, nationally the drug is still classified as an illegal nar...

SOUTH WINDSOR--While Connecticut has moved forward to legally allow the use of medical marijuana, nationally the drug is still classified as an illegal narcotic with no medical benefits.

Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy is trying to change the federal classification of marijuana. He says the proof is in the thousands of lives that have been changed for the better since Connecticut legalized medical marijuana.

"That means that research can't be done at the federal level, that means that insurers can't reimburse, that means dispensaries can't buy over state lines. The federal government is standing in the way of science, standing in the way of good health. We need to depoliticize this issue."

He spoke from a South Windsor dispensary, one of six currently in the state.

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