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An aspirin a day may not prevent first heart attack: Study

There’s a lot of research that shows an aspirin a day can help heart attack patients prevent having a second heart attack, but a new study concluded that ...

There’s a lot of research that shows an aspirin a day can help heart attack patients prevent having a second heart attack, but a new study concluded that taking one aspirin daily may not prevent a first heart attack or stroke.

The researchers looked at over 14,000 volunteers over the age of 60, all of whom had at least one risk factor for their first heart attack, and they found no difference between the ones who took an aspirin a day versus those who didn’t.

Keep in mind, this research does conflict with other studies which showed as much as a 23 percent reduction in heart attack risk by taking aspirin daily.

Source: jamanetwork.com

 Source: forbes.com


A new study showed that an anti-bacterial ingredient called triclosan has been linked with liver fibrosis and tumors in mice, and the researchers behind the study are worried that long-term exposure may cause the same effects in humans.

Triclosan is found in shampoos and liquid anti-bacterial soaps, and more and more experts are pushing for it to be banned.

   Source: utsandiego.com

   Source: medicalnewstoday.com


A new study found that the best way to prevent cavities is already in your mouth –  just increase your production of saliva.  Experts said it works better than using sealants or flouride.

To help produce more saliva, you can eat sour fruits, suck on ice cubes, or chew sugar-free gum with xylitol.

   Source: scienceworldreport.com

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