SHELTON, Conn. — In today’s Family First, Hannah Perry of “The Giggling Pig”, has always been a blessing to parents – as the owner of the art studio in Shelton and Bethel, she would normally be taking care of students for hours at a time, during the summer, for camp, giving parents a much needed break.
But with the Covid19 pandemic, things changed – camps were limited if not cancelled, leaving parents with a quarantine quandary. What to do? She evolved her business, taking her lessons online to Zoom , where she and her art teachers can teach – and interact with kids learning to be creative.
For her, it’s a way to be with her students, which after years, she says is her favorite thing about the job. But she also knows she’s doing the parents a real favor. “the parents feedback has been touching because they tell us how it means to them – to have 20 minutes to fold laundrey to cook while the kids were entertained , and they knew the entertainment was trustworthy”, said Perry.