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Hamden gas station robbed at gunpoint

"This easily could’ve been a felony murder," said Hamden Police Captain Ronald Smith.

HAMDEN, Conn. — At 3:15 am Monday morning, a man parked his car outside this Alltown Fresh gas station on Dixwell Avenue in Hamden. Police say he then walked inside, pulled out a gun on the clerk, and pulled the trigger. 

"This easily could’ve been a felony murder," said Captain Ronald Smith. 

If the gun fired it may have been, but police say the gun didn’t when the suspect pulled the trigger.  

"The clerk was absolutely terrified," said Smith. "The individual then ordered the clerk to give him the cash register draw which he did."

The suspect is described as a middle-aged white male standing about 5’10” about 200lbs. He was wearing a navy blue and white striped Adidas jacket and gray sweatpants. Police say he drove away in a newer model four-door red chevy sedan heading north on Dixwell.  

"My first reaction was is the person working in the store are they OK," said Hamden Community Block Watch Leader Kim Washington. 

Washington heard of the news shortly after it happened. She says she called the All-Town to see if the clerk was ok. She thinks Alltown should consider adding some kind of protective barrier for their employees especially as robberies continue to rise in Hamden.  

"We don’t want an innocent person to get killed. I mean thank God we have not had that happen," said Washington. 

Hamden Police have stepped up enforcement since the start of the new year. A new crime deterrent unit has upped patrols and police say they've already thwarted a number of incidents. They have also made at least six criminal arrests  

"I want to say that my Hamden PD or no joke because they get the job done," said Washington. 

Hamden police are searching for the individual responsible for the crime. If you recognize the man from surveillance photos you are urged to contact Hamden Police.  

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