HARTFORD, Conn — On Friday, the Superintendent of Hartford Schools Dr. Leslie Torries-Rodriguez released a letter to families saying Noah Webster Magnet School will be closed through September 22.
"Today, after consultation with the Hartford Health Department, we decided that the Noah Webster Microsociety Magnet School will be closed through Tuesday, September 22, to allow for further contact tracing to ensure we have identified all close contacts of the students and the staff member who tested positive. Noah Webster is scheduled to re-open for in-person learning on Wednesday, September 23, and we will provide a confirmation for reopening on Tuesday," said Torres-Rodgriuez in a written statement.
The letter also mentioned Hartford schools have had several reports of confirmed COVID-19 cases and working with the local health department and informing families. The students or staff that tested positive, were told to self-quaraninte for 14 days. Those who may have come in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 should also self-quarantine.
"Positive cases remain low in Hartford County but we must all remain vigilant to keep our students, teachers, and staff healthy and safe," said Torres-Rodriguez.
Hartford parents with any questions can call your child’s Principal, the Welcome Center at 860-695-8400, or our Health Services hotline at 860-695-8760.
For more on Hartford school's health practices and protocols, click here.