FARMINGTON, Conn. — Another strange twist in the Dulos saga. Newly obtained police reports reveal Fotis Dulos feared a Plainville man who he originally befriended.
“We are aware of at least one other individual who thinks he’s going to get rich writing a book on Fotis,” said Norm Pattis outside Jacobi Medical Center while Fotis was still alive.
According to police, that man is 61-year-old Brad Ragaglia of Plainville. He showed up at Fotis’ door Christmas Eve.
The report says Ragaglia said he felt sorry for Fotis’ plight and said he would pray for him and his children. Ragaglia gifted Fotis holy water, capsules of magnesium and two spiritual books. They exchanged phone numbers. Police say Fotis, “responded to this outpouring by inviting Brad to his home for Christmas…” The actual text reads, “Dear Brad, thank you for opening your heart to me - I have a lot to learn from you. Would you like to stop by and have a drink with us tonight?”
The two texted for about a week until Ragaglia accidentally sent a text from Fotis back to Fotis. Then writing, “he bit.” Followed by, “I feel horrible...I was texting my son...I am truly a good person.”
Alarmed. Fotis called police, “...concerned that the water and/or vitamins might be some type of poison meant to kill him…” The report says Fotis felt threatened when Ragaglia wrote, “God put me in this situation to end this horrible drama quickly.”
Detectives determined Ragaglia was trying to get information from Fotis to write a book about Jennifer Dulos and that he attempted to record their conversations.
At Wednesday’s probate hearing, Dulos Attorney Kevin Smith was asked by FOX61 to comment on Ragaglia and Fotis’ connection. He said, “Umm, no...the man is a clown.”
Fast forward to February 2nd — after Fotis’ death. That's when police say the found Ragaglia trespassing at 80 Mountain Spring Road. It’s another Dulos property searched in connection to the murder investigation.
Ragaglia was charged with first degree trespassing. He will be in court on February 19th.
Police never ended up testing the pills or holy water. They declined to go on camera speaking about the incidents.