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Some Connecticut healthcare workers forced to choose between vaccines and their jobs

For many, the decision is not black and white.

CONNECTICUT, USA — The vaccine mandate deadline for state workers has come and gone and as of Tuesday night, more than 1,000 people were still not in compliance. More than 5,000 people opted to get tested for COVID-19 on a weekly basis, rather than get their shots.

However, state healthcare workers, who also fall under a vaccine mandate, don't have the option to get tested for the virus. For them, it's either get fully vaccinated or lose their jobs.

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Many healthcare systems across Connecticut put their own mandates in place and set their own deadlines

Jessica Ellul, who works part-time at Danbury Hospital and full-time as Secretary-Treasurer at CHCA District 1199, said she's choosing not to get vaccinated right now. But it's not because she's refusing the get the shot. With a rare heart condition, she wants to wait for a doctor's visit, which comes next month.

But right now, her job is on the line. 

"I've offered, you know, leave me out on unpaid leave, do whatever you want. Just don't terminate me. I love working for this organization and with the patients and my coworkers," Ellul said. "We're not refusing, we just want to wait until after birth, we just want to wait until we see our specialists, that's the most frustrating part of it."

Ellul is in the same situation as thousands of others. She missed the deadline to get vaccinated, set by her employer. She's terrified of not being able to return to a hospital that's been part of her family for five decades. 

"I've known Danbury Hospital since literally I was born. And I never thought I would ever leave this place. And to be forced into something that's out of my control is not fair," Ellul said.

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The state is holding other healthcare workers to the same standard...it's either get your shots or don't come to work. Union leaders are asking for an extension, saying mandates are making staffing shortages more severe. 

"We have so many different job titles and every single job title is affected in some way," Ellul said. 

Meanwhile, some workers think they've all had enough time to think about it.

"The hospital does have a lot of options for you to go and get a vaccine. So, I just think they should go and get it, it's that simple," said Sharon Morris,  an Environmental Services Worker at Hartford Hospital.

RELATED: Deadline passes for state employees to comply with vaccine mandate

But, it's not that simple for Ellul. She said all she needs is more time.

"That's the most frustrating part of it because we're losing really long-term, really dedicated employees," she said.

FOX61 reached out to the company that owns Danbury Hospital, Nuvance Health, and they sent the following statement.

“We are pleased and proud about 98% of our employees are in full compliance with our vaccination policy and contributing to the health and well-being of our patients and communities. While we regret a small minority have chosen to leave the organization rather than get vaccinated, we remain committed to delivering high-quality, safe care to our patients. We are deeply grateful to the overwhelming majority of our employees who have agreed this policy is a necessary step that will help bring the pandemic to an end.

It is an understatement to say the past 18 months have been difficult, yet we are confident we will find our way forward through this new challenge by working together. Our proactive contingency planning will help us meet any challenges presented and regardless of staffing limitations affecting health systems across the country, Nuvance Health is committed to ensuring all of our facilities are staffed to appropriately serve patient needs and to continue to provide high-quality care for our patients and community.”


Julia LeBlanc is a reporter at FOX61 News. She can be reached at jleblanc@fox61.com Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.



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