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CT amusements parks open with changes due to COVID-19

Amusement parks can now open at 25% capacity, but if you do decide to visit, things are not going to be like we are used to, starting in the parking lot.

MIDDLEBURY, Conn. — Amusement parks in the state are part of the phase two reopening plan, which means some changes are needed to keep visitors safe.

Amusement parks can now open at 25% capacity, but if you do decide to visit, things are not going to be like we are used to, starting in the parking lot.

Cars won't be able to park right next to each other, there will have to be a space between them.

Social distancing is going to be enforced once you get inside the park as well.

You will see markers on the ground telling you where to stand, and plexiglass barriers at ticket counters.

At Quassy Amusement Park, you are encouraged to buy tickets ahead of time online and get to the park early.

When it comes to rides, the line may be set up differently between making sure people are standing far enough apart and rearranging any maze style lines so that everyone is far enough apart.

On the rides themselves, you can also expect to see some seats and rows will also be closed off; they are among the areas that will have to be cleaned and sanitized often. The same goes for other high traffic areas, things like railings, and the restrooms.

Quassy Amusement and Waterpark is set to reopen tomorrow, Gaby Molina has more on what you can expect to see

Posted by FOX61 on Friday, June 19, 2020

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You will be required to wear a mask to the park, and you'll see employees wearing them as well.

Here's all the details you can expect while visiting an amusement park:

  • Parking staff must direct customers to park in every other spot to ensure social distancing during peak parking hours
  • Calculate maximum number of people allowed under the rules for each exhibition room/ride.
  • Attendants to remain at same workstation through day to minimize movement.
  • Attendants to enforce maximum occupancy per exhibition room/area where possible.
  • Increased signage during walk in to educate customers.
  • Ride queues (such as “maze-style” queues typical at amusement parks) will be rearranged to prevent patrons waiting in line from having to pass others face-to-face within 6 ft where possible. 
  • Require online ticket purchase to the greatest extent possible.
  • Develop specific loading and social distancing procedures for each ride and attraction, including but not limited to: Leaving empty rows, Seats, Separating guests to maintain safe distances
  • Disable or mark every other or every third locker in locker rooms for non-use to enforce 6 ft social distancing requirement
  • All self-serve stations and reusable/refillable cup programs must be disabled until further notice
  • Water fountain use shall be restricted to water bottle filling stations only 
  • Install touchless appliances wherever possible

Parks are required to post clear signage that includes the state hotline (211) for employees and customers to report potential violations of these rules.

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