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COVID-19 has resulted in dire need for blood donations

Just in Connecticut, 107 blood drives have been canceled

FARMINGTON, Conn. — While businesses are suffering great losses, as a result of the novel coronavirus, there is an organization that’s trying to prevent a loss of life as a result of this world wide outbreak.

Since the advent of the coronavirus, the American Red Cross says 4,500 blood drives nationally have been canceled. And Connecticut is in a world of hurt, as well.

Just in Connecticut, 107 blood drives have been canceled, resulting in resulting in 3,100 fewer blood donations received by the Red Cross,” said Mario Bruno, Regional CEO, for American Red Cross of Connecticut and Rhode Island.

But, today’s blood drive at the Connecticut Red Cross headquarters, in Farmington, had a steady flow of folks answering the call.

“I was listening to the presidential news conference and the Surgeon General said that we should go down and give blood,” said Wayne Boulton a blood donor.

“I give blood usually every 90 days because I feel it’s very, very important,” said another donor Linda Stedman. “Everybody needs blood. I have a blood type that’s not really common.

Connecticut’s two United States Senators said it’s time for young people to step up during this pandemic.

“What we know is there is a general recommendation for older Americans to stay home to shelter in place,” said U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut).

Fellow U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) said, “So many people have said to me over the last weeks what can we do to help? What can we do to help? You can give blood.”

And, if you’re considering donating to blood, the American Red Cross has safeguards in place.

“Before you even get into the room where it’s happening, we will ask you to have your temperature taken,” said Kelly Isenor,

Spokesperson, American Red Cross. “If it’s above a certain threshold, we will ask you to come back another time to donate.”

The American Red Cross of Connecticut is the primary blood supplier for 20 acute care facilities in the state.

“Think about how you can help other people,” said Paul Sullivan

Senior Vice President, American Red Cross ”And a very direct, very tangible way is if you are feeling healthy and well and you were able to donate to please do so.”

If you’d like to consider donating, and there is no scheduled drive in your area, schedule an appointment by logging on to RedCrossBlood.org

And, let’s keep this statistic, from the American Red Cross in mind: just one blood donation can save more than one person‘s life.

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