MERIDEN, Conn. — The state has stood up four COVID recovery centers to treat patients coming out out the hospitals.
Only FOX61 was allowed inside as the staff, state inspectors and the National Guard made quick work of the setup of a center in Meriden.
The facility used to be a regular nursing home. It was closed in October of last year, only to be reopened just months later with a new mission — treating COVID residents.
It’s where COVID-positive patients discharged from the hospital are continuing their fight.
“We had the National Guard in here with DPH this morning and they looked at our PPE supplies and were amazed at how extensive our supplies are,” Administrator Donna Orefice said.
Stacked floor to ceiling, boxes of crucial PPE. Tyvek coveralls and N95 masks.
And speaking of masks, each one is fit tested. A concentrated sugar solution is sprayed while wearing the mask. If the user can’t taste it, it's an airtight fit.
The test is repeated for every new N95 used.
Used masks get placed in paper bags. But staff safety starts at the front door Temperatures are checked and pulse oxygen readings are taken.
Westfield Specialty Care in Meriden was the fourth COVID recovery center in Connecticut to be stood up.
They are about three weeks into operations and they’ve only had 14 patients.
“Right now if our facility isn’t needed, then I would think that yes we would close and that would be a good thing because our services would no longer be needed,” Orefice continued.
Here is a look at some COVID recovery center data:
Sharon Health Care Center
- First Recovery Center to open in state
- 78 patients admitted since March
- 27 Recoveries
- 41 patients currently
Northbridge, Bridgeport
- Second Recovery Center to open
- 74 patients admitted since March
- 32 Recoveries
- 59 patients currently
And while one person did recover in Meriden, two have passed away. Families said goodbye.
"They were actually able to come into the facility properly garbed with our PPE and spend some last moments with their loved ones," Orefice said. "It’s was extremely emotional and very touching."
Meant as an intermediate level of care between the hospital and home, COVID recovery centers have played a key role in CT’s surge plan.
“I think it’s a great concept because you are keeping all of the disease in one place. Your PPE is here and you are treating everyone the same. So I don’t feel compromised in any way stepping into the building every day.”
And Donna told FOX61 that because they are only taking care of a dozen patients, they can really focus of specialty individualized needs for each person.
The center has three nurses and six certified nursing assistants.