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In some aisles, a supermarket sweep of goods

A familiar site in aisle 6 this week, no toilet paper, few paper towels as people stock up amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

MANCHESTER, Conn. — Molly Devanney, owner of the Highland Park Market in Manchester says this week has brought out the crowds to the popular family-owned store on Highland Street.

"Oh, hand sanitizer? I don’t want to talk about it cuz we’re outta stock till the end of April and that’s everywhere," said Devanney. 

A familiar site in aisle 6 this week, no toilet paper, few paper towels as people stock up amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"It feels like the holiday season we can’t get stuff on the shelves quick enough for our customers so we’re really trying to do everything we can to get the product out there as soon as it comes in," said Devanny

At the West Side Market in Rocky Hill, there was a steady stream of shopping carts. 

When asked if he has seen something of this magnitude before owner Chris Romeo said not like this.

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 "I mean snowstorms have been crazy even the stop and shop strike last year we were very busy but nothing like this we’re almost an entire half aisle is empty of tp and paper towels," said Romeo. 

Romeo says yes there's a disruption in the supply chain for certain household cleaning goods but

"I'm not worried I’m sure our wholesalers will keep up and we’ll do our best to everything on the shelves for our customers I think this hit so fast they weren’t ready for it," said Romeo. 

Their message does your part to stay safe, they’ll do their part to stay stocked and this is more about patience over panic

"We’re a local family store and we are going to do everything we can to stay open," said Devanny. 

"Stay calm and shop on, everyone just be patient, we are doing the best we can to serve everybody," said Romeo. 

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