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Yale University, Yale New Haven Health confirm positive COVID-19 test

In a letter to colleagues, CEO Marna Borgstrom confirmed YNHH's chief nursing executive, Beth Beckman has self-isolated at home after testing positive.
Yale University

NEW HAVEN, Conn — Yale New Haven Health officials announced Saturday that several patients across its Health System have tested positive for coronavirus.

In a letter to colleagues, CEO Marna Borgstrom confirmed YNHH's chief nursing executive, Beth Beckman has self-isolated at home after testing positive.

"Beth is doing well and remains engaged in our daily operations," Borgstrom wrote.

The chief clinical officer at YNHH, Dr. Thomas Balcezak has also been exposed to COVID-19.

Borgstrom noted that Balcezak tested negative and has no symptoms, however is self-quarantined at home for the next 14 days due to his wife’s positive test.

"As always, our top priority remains the safety of patients, visitors and everyone that works throughout the Yale New Haven Health System," Borgstrom told colleagues. "Anyone that has come into direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 should self-monitor and, should symptoms arise, contact their primary care physician directly."

Yale University officials also announced Saturday a member of its community has tested positive for coronavirus on a preliminary test.

Dr. Paul Genecin, Director of Yale Health said in a letter, they are awaiting confirmation.

According to the notice, a second member of the University, as well as a 'household contact' are also undergoing diagnostic evaluation.

All three patients are under the care of physicians at Yale New Haven Hospital.

It is unclear if Yale University's announcement is referring to the health professionals mentioned above from YNHH.

"As you can imagine, this is a difficult time for these individuals and their families," Dr. Genecin wrote. "If you are aware of these individuals, I urge you to respect their privacy and allow them to rest and recover. Now more than ever, we need to treat one another with care, understanding, and respect."

While following protocols for COVID-19 cases implemented by the CDC, state and local health departments, the University says it is actively working to trace the individuals’ steps and communicate with their close contacts.

"We will provide guidance as soon as possible to those who have had close contact with confirmed patients ranging from self-monitoring for symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing) to self-isolation at home with active monitoring for 14 days," the letter reads.

Dr. Genecin reminds the Yale community to implements social distancing.

Officials announced Wednesday that all staff should be meeting virtually and supervisors should arrange for staff to work from home where possible.

The University also announced a transition to online classes after spring break through April 5. The classes will be held using Zoom, Canvas, or other online tools. The University said that as the date in April approaches, they will reassess the situation.

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Anyone seeking more information is asked to contact the Yale Health COVID-19 Hotline at 203-432-6604.

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