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Only 10% of eligible Hartford School students are confirmed to have received COVID vaccine

In Hartford, kids will be back in class on August 30th.

HARTFORD, Conn — Right now, school districts across the state are making tough decisions on what class will look like in just about 30 days. While the CDC has issued some mask advice, the state hasn’t made anything official. Connecticut’s capital city said they won't be waiting for state guidance.

In Hartford, kids will be back in class on August 30th. The superintendent told FOX61 they want clear, concise communication as early and often as possible. So, they’ve made their own decision on masks. 

"We are going to continue to wear masks," said Hartford School Superintendent, Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez.

That goes for students and teachers — regardless of vaccination status. "There is apprehension," said Torres-Rodriguez. "All of it worries me," said Ashley Wilson, a parent of young Hartford students.

Parents and students told FOX61 they prefer masking up. "I would want my kids, and they are going to wear masks regardless, vaccine or not," explained Wilson. Student Diego Flores said, "It makes sense. So then if we wear our masks, we can stay safe and possible return to normality soon."

But normal — is a relative term. For Diego Flores, it means seeing his friends again, face to face. Remote learning didn’t work for him. "Too many distractions and that could actually make you fall behind on your work," he said.

Operating last year with three learning models, this year Hartford has eliminated online learning as an option. "I don’t foresee us having to go in that direction," said Torres-Rodriguez.

RELATED: New London one of three CT counties with substantial transmission of COVID-19

FOX61 dug into Hartford’s ‘Return to Learn ‘Health and Safety Plan. It includes:

  • A 3-foot social distancing requirement
  • 78 student capacity on buses with masks on and windows down
  • Visitors will be allowed buildings, but with a health screening

The Hartford Schools are also working hard to obtain information about who has been vaccinated. 

"We’ve asked our families and or caregivers to share with us whatever vaccination updates they have. If their child gets vaccinated, we really need to know that," said Torres-Rodriguez.

Data obtained from the district shows 70% of their teachers and staff have reported getting the COVID shot, but only 9.6% of their eligible students ages 12 and up. 

RELATED: Quinnipiac University alumni, students go door-to-door in Hartford to educate unvaccinated residents

"Our multi-generational households. There is still vaccine hesitancy and so those are all the factors that we have to filter our decision making though," said Torres-Rodriguez.

Hartford says they’ll continue their partnership with health departments to make the vaccine as accessible as possible by bringing clinics into the schools.



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