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UConn students concerned but coping with COVID-19 on campus

Garrigus Suites was placed under quarantine earlier this week after a dozen cases of the virus were found from residents of that building.

MANSFIELD, Conn — More coronavirus cases pop up on the UConn Storrs campus.

The university reported 10 new cases with four of them coming from a dorm.

All of this happening after six football players tested positive a few weeks ago.

People FOX61 spoke to say they are watching the numbers in these cases

Many students FOX61 spoke to say their biggest fear is that an outbreak will take place and they’ll be sent back home.

Those fears becoming validated as students the campus show through officials a more than 1% positivity rate for COVID-19 after more than 50 students tested positive for the virus.

This comes a little more than a week later after 6-UConn football players tested positive on top of some students being kicked out of their dorms for throwing a party.

According the latest data, UConn has 57 on-campus cases including the 10 added this past Friday.

The university spokesperson says of the 10, six were already in quarantine and four of them care from Garrigus suites.

That dorm has been on quarantine since earlier this week.

”I’m not in Garrigus but we do share a mail room and a dining hall so because I live in Worth and we both go to Putnam Dining Hall, I now have to go to a different dining hall so I have to walk so far everyday,” said Zarayah Gordon who was apart of a group of sophomores that FOX61 spoke to who says dealing with a pandemic with school not even starting just yet makes things different.

Ammon Downer said, “It’s weird getting acclimated to just it being like a little docile, empty but it doesn’t feel like bad... it’s just different.”

For the freshman, they say they are just happy to be on a college campus.

Lauren Salerno said, “It’s kind of disappointing, you know like I lost the end of my senior year which is supposed to be the time of my life and now freshman year is a little bit different but honestly I’m doing fine like we have fun anyways and I was able to meet people anyways.”

Students say they fear that may be taken away once classes resume Monday.

“Give it a couple of weeks of classes start and roll I’ll be around each other more the campus is going to be more active so there’s a chance that we might get sent home,” said Downer.

Students say despite the actions of a few, but many are following the health guidelines and hope students keep doing so.

Gordon said, “Keep doing what you doing come up all the rules and wear masks, done with the parties like some people have and don’t get in big groups like some people have… I know it’s hard for people’s freshman year we’re supposed to be fun experience and it cost me lotta friends but we have to adapt.”

The university says they will continue to test students multiple times as well as conduct contact tracing on the new cases.

UConn reports its Storrs on-campus positivity rate is currently 1.14 percent.

The university says it will continue to test students multiple times, including those currently in isolation; others who might have had contact with them; and students in the general population.

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