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You Ask. We Answer. | Out of state travel ban, Nursing home visits, Summer rentals

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Marc asked, “When will the traveling out-of-state ban be lifted? Presently any form of travel out-of-state requires a 14 day self-quarantine upon return.


FOX61 reached out to Rob Blanchard in the Governor’s office to get some clarification here. He said the State did issue that guidance and make that recommendation early on to curtail traveling that could have led to further infections. That recommendation wasn’t really mentioned after that, and the Governor’s office says if someone visits another state he or she does not have to quarantine for 14 days. However, that person should exercise caution and get tested and quarantine if symptoms appear upon a return to Connecticut.


Lydia wrote, “Many CT residents have already paid for their summer rentals on the shore, yet their vacation plans are up in the air. June 20th is a little late to hear that we must make new plans for our families especially since the bulk of our vacation money has already been spent on the rental. Would the governor consider expediting his review of this matter?”


While June 20 was the original date Governor Lamont had planned to review summer rentals, we now know that summer rentals are being included in Phase 2 of Connecticut’s reopening. They are being put in the same category as hotels/motels. That means summer rentals can start June 17. Rob Blanchard in the Governor’s office tells FOX61 the State will need to lift short term rental/leisure travel restriction prior to Phase 2, and the Governor plans to do that shortly.


A viewer wrote to FOX61 last month, “When are nursing homes going to open for visitors?”


FOX61 got an update from Governor Lamont Wednesday morning about nursing home visitations. He said the State is working to allow outdoor visitations at nursing homes on a limited, restricted basis. He said visitors will have to be fever tested and screened, in order to make sure there isn’t a second wave of COVID-19 that hits the nursing homes. He says he does realize the need for people to visit their loved ones.

“Deidre Gifford, Department of Social Services, working closely with the nursing home folks. Now is a time when we ought to make it a little easier for you to visit a loved one who has been in isolation at that home over a period of now months,” said Governor Ned Lamont.

FOX61 will keep you updated as any further announcements are made.

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