HARTFORD, Conn — The Board of Regents for the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities met Thursday to discuss changes to the community colleges in the state and named five CEOs for community college campuses.
plan to merge the 12, independent community colleges into a single accredited institution by 2023. A regionalized leadership team, including campus CEOs, will administer the new institution.
For the past three years the board has discussed ways to combine the 12 community colleges which serve over 80,000 students, a number of whom go on to state universities and UConn.
They plan to merge the 12 independent community colleges into a single accredited institution by 2023. A regionalized leadership team, including campus CEOs, will administer the new institution.
- Dr. G. Duncan Harris will become campus CEO of Capital Community College in Hartford
- Dr. William (Terry) Brown will become campus CEO of Gateway Community College in New Haven
- Dr. Dwyane Smith will become campus CEO of Housatonic Community College in Bridgeport.
- Dr. Nicole Esposito will become campus CEO of Manchester Community College in Manchester.
- Dr. Steven Minkler will become campus CEO of Middlesex Community College in Middletown
The five campus chief executive officers who will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations the colleges. All campus CEOs have an annualized salary of $155,250.