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East Rock Community checking in on each other and Kevin Jiang's mother in wake of his murder

People are also checking in on Kevin’s beloved mother. Kevin had been the sole provider for the two.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Anytime a tragedy occurs in the city of New Haven it is hard to bear. There have been six homicides already in 2021. Each one is traumatic. That is why New haven Police, Board of Alders members, and trauma experts were back out in the East Rock Neighborhood where Kevin Jiang, 26, was killed.

"Now we’re here to make sure that the people are OK," said Lt. Manmeet Colon of New Haven Police. 

The group was going door-to-door near the intersection of Lawrence and Nicholl street. It is the same intersection where Jiang was slain Saturday night.  

The trauma experts were checking in on the residents who bore witness to the senseless violence. 

"They may not have seen the event but still felt the event," said Colon. "The symptoms can be anywhere from lack of sleep or lack of eating. Things of that nature."

People are also checking in on Kevin’s beloved mother. Kevin had been the sole provider for the two.  

"He loved his mom so much that I think his mom was the most important person to him in his world because she raised him by herself," said Denethi Wijegunawardana.

Friends of Kevin have started a GoFundMe for his mother Zhen Liu. The funds are to help pay for funeral costs and keep her afloat financially. The fundraiser has raised over $50,000. 

"Nothing's going to bring Kevin back but hopefully at least this will help his mom," said Wijegunawardana

Authorities in multiple states are on the hunt for Qinxuan Pan,29, who is wanted for questioning in Jiang’s murder. The US Marshall service is offering a $5,000 reward for information that leads to his arrest.  

Jiang would have turned 27 on Sunday. 

"This is the loss of an extraordinary young man. He was committed to applying his talents to improving the world," said Yale University President Peter Salovey. "In the days ahead I hope we can focus on each other’s well-being and support one another."

Jiang will be laid to rest during a private funeral on Saturday. Police are expected to hold a press conference Firday morning to update the investigation.

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