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New Haven residents demand change in policing

Elders demanding action, that’s what a group of people who gathered on the New Haven Green today are calling themselves.

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Community leaders and residents in New Haven are calling for change, they gathered today to demand police reform.

They also want it to go one step further than that.

Elders demanding action, that’s what a group of people who gathered on the New Haven Green today are calling themselves.

One after one each speaker called for changes to how their communities are policed and changes for those who are incarcerated.They say the time for change is now.

“It’s important that we realize that every citizen, should be regarded as someone who are to be served by the police and not simply to be policed in the sense of militarization,” said Dottie Greene.

They say they also want change when it comes to how police officers are hired and trained.

“So we actually can get veterans to become police officers very easily because they say the training is so similar. I think that’s problematic because if you have someone who’s come from war and then they get a pass to come into our communities they get to operate like they’re still at war,” said Dori Dumas.

During this rally they encouraged everyone to register to vote, even leaving registration forms out for anyone who wanted one.

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