GUILFORD — The Guilford Police in collaboration with the Injury Free Coalition for Kids, the Song Strong Foundation and the Yale New Haven Hospital’s Injury Prevention Program, hosted a Gun buyback event Saturday.
The event was held in honor of the late Ethan Song who died in 2018 after being shot. He was 15 years old.
Police were offering $25 for single/double shot derringer type, $50 for a rifle, $100 for a handgun, and $200 for an assault rifle. Over $6,500 was given out in exchange for the weapons.
3 Derringer type, 46 handguns, 31 rifles and 3 assault weapons were collected. Safe gun storage pamphlets, as well free gun locks and gun storage safes to interested citizens.
9 small safes, 18 large safes and 15 gun/trigger locks were given out.
The event was held at Guilford Police Station. Residents are reminded that they can return any unwanted weapons to the police department at any time.