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UConn Panel calls for an end of ignorance to violence against Asian American woman

Panelists also expressing frustration at being seen as "outsiders" even though they were born in this country.

MANSFIELD, Connecticut — While the shock is still being felt from the shooting spree in Atlanta, Georgia that killed eight people, the discussions being had don’t feel new. 

"It’s also not shocking to a certain extent because this is not a new thing," said UConn professor Na-Rae Kim. 

Panelists for UConn’s Asian American Institute’s discussion on Asian American violence pointed to many other times in America’s past where people of Asian descent were targeted for issues abroad. Looking for someone to blame for the pandemic has been no different.  

"I think about all of the Asian American families that have loved ones that work in these Asian American owned businesses," said Mike Keo, Founder of "I am not a Virus".

Tuesday’s shooting spree in Atlanta only heightened fears that were growing over the pandemic. “Stop AAPI Hate” tracks violence against Asian American’s and Pacific Islanders, reports crimes are up 149% nationwide since the start of the pandemic. Asian American women are over two times more likely to be targeted. 

"They are often sexualized as well as seen a subservient, submissive and easy targets," said Kim. 

"Fetishization of Asian American women causes them to be viewed as objects," said UConn Graduate Student Aubrey Tang. 

Panelists also expressing frustration at being seen as "outsiders" even though they were born in this country.

"It was really frustrating and eventually becomes a series of thoughts just like why am I not an American? Will I ever be American, and will I ever be enough," said UConn senior Shaina Selvaraju.

Panelists talked about erasing the invisibility felt by Asian Americans when it comes to discrimination. One they believe starts with supporting each other.  

"When centering ourselves around each other and hearing another’s stories we can now collaborate and empower ourselves," said Keo. 



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