WATERBURY, Conn. — Since the killing of George Floyd so many cities across the country are demanding change. Communities here in Connecticut, calling for the same, insisting that action be taken against racial injustice.
In Waterbury, Mayor Neil O'Leary wanted to address the public after people in the city protested onto a portion of I-84 and shut down a section of the highway.
The Mayor set up four Town Hall forums for the community to be able to voice their opinions and ask officials questions they want answers to.
The first Town Hall was with the Mayor on June 18th, the second was on Tuesday, June 24th, with the Waterbury Police Chief, Fernando Spagnolo, and the remaining two will be on Tuesday, June 30th with the Superintendent of schools, Dr. Verna Ruffin, and the last one will be on Tuesday, July 7th with the States Attorney, Maureen Platt, who oversees the Judicial District of Waterbury.
In an effort to adhere to social distancing guidelines, and ensure that residents have the ability to safely listen and participate in these discussions, they can either listen live on WATR 1320-AM Radio, and call in with their questions at (203) 757-1320, or they can also watch the Town Forums on the Mayor's Facebook page as well.