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Wikipedia Refuses To Give Up Monkey Selfie

Well perhaps you’ve already seen the now famous monkey selfie. It first went viral in 2011 when photographer David Slater took a series of photos of a gro...
Wikipedia Refuses To Give Up Monkey Selfie

Well perhaps you’ve already seen the now famous monkey selfie. It first went viral in 2011 when photographer David Slater took a series of photos of a group of crested black macaques in Indonesia. While taking the photos, some of the monkeys hijacked his equipment and took a number of photos. Among the pictures taken emerged the now famous selfie with one of the primates looking straight into the camera, lips pulled back into a grin. The photos popped up on Wikipedia shortly there after.

Since then, Slater has been trying to get the site to stop distributing the famous images for free. But Wikimedia, the organization behind Wikipedia, insists, because Slater did not actually take the picture himself, he doesn’t own the copyright.

Read more: http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/08/06/wikipedia-refuses-to-take-famous-monkey-selfies-off-site-because-macaque-owns-copyright-not-photographer/

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