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Workplace etiquette: Dos & don’ts for work

HARTFORD – Do you take days to reply to a coworker’s email or check your smartphone consistently throughout your teams meetings? If so – you could be an o...
HARTFORD - Do you take days to reply to a coworker’s email or check your smartphone consistently throughout your teams meetings? If so – you could be an office etiquette offender. A new survey from staffing firm
reveals the worst offenses and how they could affect your career.

We asked both managers and employees about the most common workplace etiquette breaches and got different results. Managers felt using smart phone in meetings was the top offense and employees felt office gossip was the most common breach.

The results show managers might not have a full understanding of how widespread office gossip is at work. And on the flip side, workers may not be aware that their manager’s notice distracted behavior during meetings.

New grads entering the job market may not understand why proper workplace etiquette is so important. Most jobs today require teamwork and strong collaboration skills, and that means following the unwritten rules of office protocol. Poor workplace etiquette demonstrates a lack of consideration for coworkers and that’s when problems can develop in the office – whether it’s between coworkers or employees and their supervisors

Workplace etiquette is about being aware of how your actions affect those around you and impact the entire team.

Accountemps has these suggestions:

  • Be present. No matter how many deadlines you may be facing, give your full attention during group discussions. You’ll be surprised how much more effective you are in meetings and conversations when focusing only on the topic at hand.
  • Avoid the rumor mill. Don’t participate in office gossip; it’s just another distraction that can reflect badly on your character and damage others’ careers.
  • Be responsive. Don’t let your inbox fill up with emails or voice mails. Set aside dedicated time each day to respond to messages so you can stay on top of things while still having uninterrupted time to work.
  • Give credit where credit is due. No one likes a credit thief or glory hog. Acknowledge those who help you along the way, and they’ll likely do the same for you.

Etiquette breaches can affect someone’s career. While it takes more than just good manners to rise through the ranks, displaying professional courtesy will only help your career. Offenses can occasionally happen, but too many can have a cumulative effect on your professional reputation and career prospects.

Repeated etiquette breaches show a lack of attention to detail or common courtesy. This can cause others to perceive you as unprofessional and potentially affect your prospects for career advancement.

Managers might perceive your poor etiquette as a sign that you don’t care for your job or are “checked out.” This could hinder your changes of advancement with the company.

Everyone has had a faux pas at work but there are ways to recover after an etiquette offense. Acknowledge the etiquette offense and make amends if you’ve inadvertently offended someone. Also consider how you might handle that particular situation in the future.

Repeating the same mistakes shows you haven’t learned from them.

Jen Arenas; Regional Manager Accountemps In Hartford

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