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CT political leaders, party officials react to Biden's withdrawal

Connecticut lawmakers, senators, congressional representatives, and officials from the Democratic and Republican parties weighed in on the choice Sunday afternoon.

CONNECTICUT, USA — President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House on Sunday, ending his bid for reelection following a problematic debate with Donald Trump that raised doubts about his fitness for office just four months before the election.

The decision comes after escalating pressure from Biden’s Democratic allies to step aside following the June 27 debate

Connecticut lawmakers, senators, congressional representatives, and officials from the Democratic and Republican parties weighed in on the choice Sunday afternoon. 

Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz said, "The Governor and I have been strong supporters of Joe Biden since he launched his first presidential campaign. As president, and throughout his career in public service, Joe Biden has led with empathy, compassion, and decency. He leaves a legacy of accomplishments including saving millions of lives during the pandemic, making historic investments in infrastructure, creating millions of jobs and lowering the unemployment rate to the lowest in 50 years, appointing the first Black women to serve on the nation’s highest court, passing the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in nearly 30 years, and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. While we remain incredibly proud of that legacy, the focus of the campaign has shifted away from what’s at stake to the President’s fitness to serve another term. We believe his decision to step aside is the right one."

She continued, "It’s time for new leadership. There is no one more qualified or more prepared to become our next president than Kamala Harris. She’s led a career dedicated to public service as District Attorney of a large city, Attorney General of our most populous state, and U.S. Senator. Alongside President Biden, Vice President Harris has been at the frontlines of enacting these historic initiatives, and is equipped to continue the progress of their administration. She has been a fierce defender of civil rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive rights at a time when legislatures and courts across the country are looking to roll back the clock."

U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said, “Joe Biden is one of the greatest, most consequential presidents in American history. He was the compassionate, courageous leader our country desperately needed during a time of crisis. Over the last four years, he has overseen the passage of immensely impactful laws that will benefit generations of Americans. Joe is a smart, strategic fighter who always – always – looks out for the little guy. I am incredibly grateful for his lifetime of service and his unwavering, steadfast commitment to the future of our nation.”

U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said that the the President "will go down in history as one of the most effective, consequential presidents in our nation's history."

Murphy wrote in a statement, "Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the most effective, consequential presidents in our nation's history. He led us out of a pandemic and rebuilt our economy, creating more jobs than any first term president. He restored our place on the world stage, heroically leading the global response to Russia's war in Ukraine and strengthening NATO. He helped pass legislation to transform our infrastructure, cut prescription drug prices, lower energy costs, and tackle climate change. And of course, because of Joe Biden, we passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the first gun safety legislation in 30 years."

He added, "Joe Biden has always put his country first. He knows the risk Donald Trump poses to our democracy, mandating that our number one priority must be defeating Trump this fall. I know this decision was agonizing for him, but once again, his love of country shines through. A nation turns its grateful eyes to Joe Biden for his world changing service and his constant selflessness.”

State Comptroller Sean Scanlon said, "President Biden has dedicated his life to improving the lives of all Americans, and he has. I have had great admiration for the President for a long time, and America is better off because of his service to our country. Thank you, Mr. President.”

Attorney General William Tong said, "I remember watching Senator Biden in an interview on 60 Minutes during the 1988 campaign. I was 15 years old. I remember being in awe of his strength, his confidence, and even his swagger – and that's when I started to think I want to be like Joe. Now more than 35 years later, I know that all of us could stand to be lot more like Joe – strong, confident, and dedicated to the peace, prosperity, and security of our fellow Americans. I am grateful for his leadership of our country, and as Attorney General, for his partnership in all that we have done together during his incredible Presidency. When I stood with him in the White House as he signed the law to protect Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders from hate and discrimination, he demonstrated that he is a President for all of us. And that is who he will always be."

State Sen. Stephen Harding said, “Thank you, President Biden, for your decades of service to our country and for making the right decision.  While we may disagree on policies, anyone who has served our country in this capacity is deserving of our thanks. While the Democratic Party now will determine who will headline their national ticket, Republicans remain laser-focused on issues that truly matter to families here in Connecticut: making life more affordable, making our streets safer, closing the gulf between richer and poorer school districts, creating more and better jobs for working families, and returning common sense to Hartford.”

Republican House Leader Vincent Candelora said, "Today is an unprecedented day in our country. President Biden has been forced from the 2024 presidential election by the same insiders and career politicos who propped him up and lied to the electorate about his fitness for office. In the process, millions of voters who relied on those falsehoods have been disenfranchised.“

Senate President Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven) and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff (D-Norwalk) said in a statement, "President Biden's selfless decision to step aside and pass the torch to Vice President Harris is indicative of his commitment to public service and dedication to the best interests of the American people. His tenure as president has led to a safer world, a cleaner environment, a once in a generation investment in our infrastructure, the fastest economic recovery from COVID, and a stronger health care system. Connecticut and the nation are indebted to President Biden's lifetime of service.”

Rep. Joe Courtney (CT-02) reflected on Biden's public service and added his support for Harris.

“President Biden’s decision today—like all his public service for many decades—was motivated by his patriotism and deep love for America and its democracy. When the focus shifts from politics of the day on to his many historic achievements, the country will have an opportunity to reflect on the benefits of his Presidency for veterans, seniors, young Americans, and the renaissance of America’s industrial base and infrastructure. During the last three and a half years, he’s had a great partner in Vice President Kamala Harris who I strongly support to lead the Democratic Party to build on their record of success with a new agenda focused on our future.”

Calling for support towards Harris, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) said, "President Biden has made a courageous decision for the good of the country. President Biden’s administration is the most successful Democratic administration since that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Biden took office in a time of great uncertainty and oversaw a historic recovery from a global pandemic, leading our country back from the brink of disaster and making government work for the people once more. I was proudest to work with President Biden on expanding the Child Tax Credit, enhancing the credit by increasing its value and making it monthly. We provided the largest middle class tax cut in a generation and unprecedented economic security, lifted millions of children out of poverty, and, together we will make it permanent in 2025."

DeLauro continued, "From child care, public education, and job training programs to helping people access affordable housing, we invested in the programs that hardworking Americans depend on. President Biden marshalled resources to improve our crumbling infrastructure under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and ensured that the United States would maintain its competitive edge against our adversaries like China by enacting the CHIPS and Science Act, bolstering American manufacturing and creating thousands of jobs. He cancelled student debt for millions of borrowers, championed child care and public education, passed bipartisan gun control reform legislation, and strongly defended workers’ rights to organize. I was proud to help him pass the Inflation Reduction Act which empowered Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs for seniors, capped insulin prices at no more than $35, and included unprecedented investments to address the existential threat of climate change."

Rep. Jahana Hayes (CT-05) said, "History will remember Joe Biden for his selfless patriotism and leadership. President Biden worked to pass more impactful legislation than any other president in our lifetimes. Under his leadership, we have recovered from the pandemic, stabilized our relations abroad, and driven down unemployment to historic lows. I am grateful to President Biden for his decades of service to this country and the path he has paved to a brighter future for all."

Hayes added, "With that there is no one better to continue Joe Biden’s legacy than Vice President Harris. I have been a longtime supporter and know she will continue to move us forward and protect our country from Donald Trump and the Project 2025 agenda. Now, it is time to focus on the work of electing Kamala Harris as the next President and winning back the House so we can continue to deliver for the American people.”

Rep. Jim Himes (CT-04) said, "President Biden has a remarkable legacy. He defeated a lethal pandemic, reinvigorated our economy and especially American manufacturing, lowered drug prices, and made historic investments in our infrastructure. Putting our nation before his personal interest has now secured that legacy to the ages. It is now up to us to work as never before to defeat the dark authoritarian vision of Donald Trump."

Nancy DiNardo from Connecticut Democrats said, "President Biden has served our country with distinction for decades. We thank him profoundly for his service and leadership through some of the most difficult years of our lifetimes. We urge every Democrat to follow his lead. Our country is facing a threat like no other from the MAGA ticket. The time is now to unite behind Vice President Harris and defeat Donald Trump. As the President said, let’s do this.”

Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Ben Proto said that the Democratic Party is "in shambles" and that they "have no plan to help the average American in Connecticut." He also endorsed Trump and Vance and thanked Biden for his time in public service, wishing him "happiness and joy in his forced retirement."

"We’ve seen the disastrous consequences of their policies over the past four years: record inflation, soaring prices for every day necessities, unprecedented border crossings, and a weakened status on the international stage." Proto said.

He added, "Furthermore, the strong arming to force President Biden to step down underscores a disturbing lack of democratic process within the Democrat Party. Instead of allowing a transparent and open primary process, it appears that the Democrat Party is maneuvering behind the scenes to select a candidate that aligns with the agenda of politicians rather than one that reflects the will of the people. In short, Democrat leaders and the Democrat Party, for the first time in American history, have sought to depose a sitting United States President in attempt to protect their own power and position – all at the expense of America and Americans."

Hartford Mayor Arunan Arulampalam noted that Biden "dedicated almost his entire adult life to public service, but his decision today may be one of his greatest acts of service,” and added, “He showed a deeply divided nation that it’s still possible to put people over politics, and to fight for the fabric of our democracy. Now, it is time for the rest of our country to come together and show that we can unify to save our democracy.”

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The Associated Press contributed to this story.


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